Registration Disclaimer

By sharing your information with First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads, you are opting-in to receive updates by mail, phone, or electronic communication.

Photo and Video Disclaimer

Filming and taping of attendees may occur on First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads property during events or services to be used in First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads communications.


Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads. We are committed to protecting your information by ensuring that we remain lawful. Below is our Privacy Policy. Please take some time to read through this Policy as it outlines how we will use your personal information.

Privacy Policy Consent

This website and all of its content is owned by the First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads. The term “you” refers to the user or viewer of First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads website.

This Privacy Policy exists to inform you of how we collect, use, process and distribute your information. It is important for you to know that we will not use or share your information in any way that is not specified within this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to change or modify this privacy policy in any way, at any time. Please read this Privacy Policy in order to understand how your information may be obtained and used. Any content that is provided to us by you or is obtained by us from this website is governed by this Privacy Policy. By using First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads website, whether you have read this Privacy Policy or not, you are fully consenting to this Privacy Policy.

Non-Personal Identification Information

We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information.

Personal Information We May Collect

Our goal in collecting information from you is to ultimately make your experience better. Here are the pieces of information that we may collect when you use this website.

  1. A name and an email address that will enable us to send emails to you - provision of an email address on this site equates to consent.

  2. A name, email address, or phone number so we can follow-up with you.

  3. Billing information including a name, address and credit card information will enable us to process any purchases or donations

  4. A name, email address, and phone number if you complete our contact form with a question.

Any information that you voluntarily provide equates to information that you are giving us the consent to use.

How Personal Information is Collected

  1. Visiting First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads website (cookies)

  2. Making a donation to First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads

  3. Applying to work with First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads

  4. Contacting us using email, phone or any other means

  5. Through third party-cookies (see the section on “Data Collection Technologies”)

Anonymous Data Collection and Use

In order to ensure that our website delivers a high quality experience, we may use your IP address to help diagnose problems on our end and to manage the Website by identifying which areas of the Website are being used the most, and to fine-tune our content for your best interest. Your IP address is the number assigned to computers connected to the Internet. This is essentially “traffic data” which cannot personally identify you, but is helpful to us for marketing purposes and for improving our services. Traffic data collection only follows your activities as you are using this website, it does not follow your activities on any other websites in any way. Anonymous traffic data may also be shared with business partners and advertisers.

Use of “Cookies”

We may utilize the “cookies” feature of major browsers.

You may choose to disable cookies through your own web browser’s settings. However, disabling this function may diminish your experience on our Website and some features may not work as intended.

Data Collection Technologies

In addition to our own cookies, we may also use various third-parties cookies, for example, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Ads Manager, Facebook Pixel, etc.

By agreeing to our Privacy Policy, you agree to the use of cookies and similar technologies (for example, web beacons, pixels, tags, and device identifiers which we collectively refer to as “cookies”) as described in this policy.

How We Use Collected Information

First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads may collect and use Users personal information for some of the following purposes:

  • To improve customer service, help us respond to requests & support your needs more efficiently.

  • To personalize your user experience.

  • To understand how our Users as a group use the services and resources provided.

  • To improve our site, our products and/or our services.

  • To process payments.

  • To run a promotion, contest, survey or other Site feature.

  • To send Users information they agreed to receive about topics we think will be of interest.

  • To send periodic emails, bulletins and newsletters.

Storage and Handling of Personal Information

Personal Information obtained by First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads is stored internally. We value your safety, so your Personal Information will only be accessed by people who are responsible for gathering, managing or storing it, or who have a legitimate need to access it. (i.e., our hosting provider, newsletter provider, payment processors or team members).

It is important to note that we may transfer information internationally. If you are using our website in the European Union, please understand that your Personal Information may be transferred outside of the European Union. By using our Website and providing us with your Personal Information, you are consenting to these transfers exactly as stated within this Privacy Policy.

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site. Sensitive and private data exchange between the Site and its Users happens over a SSL secured communication channel and is encrypted and protected with digital signatures.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.


Your Acceptance of These Terms

By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy and terms of service. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please reach out to us at or (607) 739-3854 and we would be happy to connect with you.