Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group

Alzheimer’s Association® Caregiver Support Groups are a safe place for individuals caring for people living with dementia to develop a support system, exchange practical information on challenges and possible solutions, talk through issues and ways of coping, share feelings, needs and concerns, and learn about community resources. One of these support groups is held in person at the Horseheads First Presbyterian Church. It meets at 11:00 am on the third Wednesday of each month.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 1pm in the lounge for an hour. (We do not meet in July and August)

We knit and crochet: prayer shawls for anyone, chemo hats for the Pink Boutique at the YWCA, hats, mittens and scarves for the Food Pantry to distribute, and other assorted items that we think might be needed (baby blankets, afghans, etc.)

We have the items blessed in the church service and then they are distributed.

Free Community Dinners

Covid has temporarily caused us to cancel our community dinners. But we will be reimplementing them in the future.

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays & Thursdays from noon to 2 PM.

Mission Statement
Working together to build and sustain hunger-free communities throughout the Southern Tier.

Vision Statement
The Food Bank of the Southern Tier is committed to creating a future without hunger where access to healthy food by all is recognized as fundamental to the well-being and success of individuals and the foundation of a strong, vibrant society.

Men’s Breakfast

The first Saturday of the month at 9am in the Church Narthex, the men of the church, as well as friends, gather for a great breakfast and fellowship.

Adopt A Highway

Twice a year, in partnership with the local Boy Scout troop, members of the congregation do a roadside clean-up in the town of Horseheads, keeping our streets beautiful


Prayer Chain

Members of the congregation participate in a Prayer Chain that prays for anyone who needs a prayer (all those in need are kept confidential)- the present members are Ellen Benedict, Ruth Hauser, Nancy Hulslander, Barbara Hutchison, Gloria Giles, Bob Sell, and Charlene Zearfoss.. Others are welcome to join. If you know of someone in need of prayer, or would like to join the prayer chain, you can contact Ellen Benedict with a message through the church office.

Bible Study

Bible Study is held on Tuesday afternoons from 2:00-3:00 p.m. in the Church Library. Bible study and prayer make up the core activities of this group. Members support one another and many go out for coffee and bagels after the study.


The members of the Horseheads First Presbyterian Church take care of each other through the Board of Deacons. The members in 2024 are: Charlene Zearfoss, Moderator, Jan Stillman, Secretary, Guy Stillman, Doug Cotton, Nancy Hulslander, Gale Howard, Gloria Giles, and Jim Congdon.

Each member has a Care List which includes all members and regular attendees. In addition, extra care is offered to those who are homebound, in nursing homes, or hospitalized. Plants are delivered twice a year to these members as well as cards being sent, phone calls made, and visits provided.

The Deacons provide Coffee Hour on a rotating basis with other committees. Deacons also assist with communion. In addition, the linens are changed according to the liturgical calendar.

A reception or lunch is offered at the time of a funeral or memorial service. College graduation gifts are given as well as a gift to a needy individual at Christmas time.

The history of this group is strong in the care of our members with the guidance of our pastor.

Women’s Adventure Group

The second Sunday of each month immediately after church, the women of the church, as well as friends, gather for a group activity. Recently they have gone out for food and fellowship, but these gatherings have covered an array of activities. Carpooling and transportation are usually able to be provided, if needed.

Church Library

The Library, located in the Conference Room, has a wide selection of books in various genres available for borrowing.